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Miiverse-Bekanntmachung: Was man nicht tun sollte

Miiverse LogoDa Miiverse jetzt auch auf dem 3DS einsetzbar ist, erinnert Nintendo wieder an die Sicherheitsbestimmungen und den Code of Conduct des Miiverse. Insbesondere sollte man beachten, seinen Freundescode nicht öffentlich zu teilen und Fremde auch nicht nach ihren Codes zu fragen. Codes für Animal Crossing- oder Mario Kart-Communities sind erlaubt.

Da die Online-Funktionen des Nintendo-Briefkastens wegen erhöhtem Missbrauchs abgedreht wurden, sollte man diese Meldung Ernst nehmen, damit das soziale Mii-Netzwerk ohne weitere Beschränkungen auskommt.

Hier die offizielle Meldung aus dem Miiverse (von Marty von Nintendo of Europe):

"Posting Friend Codes is Not Permitted Hello, it's Marty here. Today, I'd like to talk to you about the posting of friend codes on Miiverse. *Kids, this is important, so please read this together with a parent or guardian. Since 10th December, it's been possible to access Miiverse from Nintendo 3DS systems, so I'd like to remind you about these two important rules: - Do not post your own Nintendo 3DS system's friend code to Miiverse - Do not ask people who you do not know to tell you their friend codes Becoming friends with strangers may lead to trouble. These rules are designed to help you avoid such trouble, so please make sure that you follow them. I'd also like to take the opportunity to remind you that the rules for Miiverse are not limited to the exchange of friend codes. Repeated violations of the Miiverse Code of Conduct may lead to restrictions on your Nintendo Network ID, such as your ability to post to Miiverse or your use of some other services. To make Miiverse a happy and fun place for everyone, we ask that you read the Miiverse Code of Conduct thoroughly and follow the rules it explains. On the Wii U, you can find the Miiverse Code of Conduct under the Settings/Other option in the User Menu, and on Nintendo 3DS you can find it in the User Menu. Don't worry though, you can continue to post Mario Kart 7 community codes and Animal Crossing dream addresses as you have been doing already. We hope that you have fun using Miiverse safely! That's all for now!"

Finde ich interessant! (3) - Quelle: Miiverse
Benjamin A. @14.Dezember.2013 - 14:46 Uhr - Weitersagen: Facebook Twitter


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