[WiiU] Splatoon

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Moderatoren: Seppatoni, Phil

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Registriert: Fr Mär 21, 2003 15:15
Nintendo Network ID: Seppatoni
3DS Freundescode: 5327-0890-2151
Wohnort: Espenmoos Anmeldedatum: 29.11.2001

Re: [WiiU] Splatoon

Beitrag von Seppatoni » Mo Jul 25, 2016 14:12

Was? :ugly: Keine Ahnung. :ugly:


The Godfather
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Re: [WiiU] Splatoon

Beitrag von Simchen » Mo Jul 25, 2016 14:21

Für mich gibt es keine andere Squidesse als die dessen Namen Aioli ist.

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Registriert: So Jan 11, 2004 20:38
Nintendo Network ID: Enforcer
3DS Freundescode: 3480-2913-2917
Wohnort: München

Re: [WiiU] Splatoon

Beitrag von Enforcer » Mo Jul 25, 2016 17:32

Yay Limone vor. Ich habe mich zum Fanclubleiter hochgearbeitet. Am Freitag wars echt zum kotzen weil ständig Verbindungsabbrüche waren. Aber Samstag liefs wie geschmiert und ich habe einfach nur Stundenlang gespielt ^^

Stv. der Top 5
Beiträge: 30340
Registriert: Fr Mär 21, 2003 15:15
Nintendo Network ID: Seppatoni
3DS Freundescode: 5327-0890-2151
Wohnort: Espenmoos Anmeldedatum: 29.11.2001

Re: [WiiU] Splatoon

Beitrag von Seppatoni » Di Jul 26, 2016 07:25

With Splatfests Finished, Judd Is Now Your Source of Super Sea Snails in Splatoon

The final Splatoon Splatfest ended with Team Marie victorious, with plenty of players taking off their team t-shirts, collecting their winnings and no doubt letting out a disappointed sigh. After more than a year of regular updates and Splatfests, the Wii U's colourful shooter is about to settle down and conclude its evolution.
For those that still want more Super Sea Snails, the currency that is vital for improving and changing up gear, the end of Splatfests is a problem. Yet the acquisition of these critters isn't yet done, even if they'll be harder to gather in significant numbers.

Picking up on a comment on the game's Japanese Twitter account, users on Reddit have figured out that Judd is dishing out snails in exchange for online wins. It seems that accumulating 30 wins (over multiple sessions if needed) in Ranked or Turf Wars and then speaking to Judd will yield one snail.

It's a steep asking price, though the gold accumulated in that many matches can also go a long way towards gear enhancements, so it certainly makes sense. It's not the mass of goodies received for Splatfest success, but it's better than nothing.



Beiträge: 274
Registriert: So Jan 11, 2004 20:38
Nintendo Network ID: Enforcer
3DS Freundescode: 3480-2913-2917
Wohnort: München

Re: [WiiU] Splatoon

Beitrag von Enforcer » Fr Jul 29, 2016 18:40

Ah so machen sie das dann also. Ich habe mich schon gefragt was aus der Sache wird. Naja trifft nicht so sehr da ich noch genug davon habe. Vorallem nach dem Sieg :eyebrows:
