[Switch] Double Dragon & Kunio-kun: Retro Brawler Bundle

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[Switch] Double Dragon & Kunio-kun: Retro Brawler Bundle

Beitrag von Seppatoni » Di Jan 12, 2021 08:03


More than you can handle: 18 titles!
We're proud to present you this compilation of 18 titles from the Double Dragon and Kunio-kun series.
Among the 15 Kunio-kun titles, 11 of these had not been released in North America yet! All the in-game text has been translated in English.

Choose between playing the "original version" or the "quality up version", where the mechanics and the game commands have been improved!
*Some games feature the "original version" only.

Moreover, online features, avatars, screen and sound options have been added. You can play by yourself, or go wild playing with friends, family or any online player!

Classic Titles
・Super Dodge Ball
・River City Ransom
・Crash'n the Boys Street Challenge

Classic Titles (unreleased in North America)
・Nekketsu Renegade Kunio-kun
・Nekketsu High School Dodgeball Club
・Downtown Nekketsu Story
・Nekketsu High School Dodgeball Club - Soccer Story
・Downtown Nekketsu March Super-Awesome Field Day!
・Downtown Special Kunio-kun's Historical Period Drama!
・Go-Go! Nekketsu Hockey Club Slip-and-Slide Madness
・Surprise! Nekketsu New Records! The Distant Gold Medal
・Nekketsu Fighting Legend
・Kunio-kun's Nekketsu Soccer League
・Nekketsu! Street Basketball All-Out Dunk Heroes


Ein Skandal, dass diese vorzügliche Collection noch keinen eigenen Thread hatte. :angry:
Habe mir vor einiger Zeit die physische japanische Version importiert, und nun bei der hiesigen eShop-Version nochmals zugelangt. Erstmals wurden alle Kunio-Titel offiziell ins Englische übersetzt und sind auch für Nichtjapaner problemlos spielbar. :ulove:

Suchte mich grad durch etliche Titel durch. :coolthumbup:

